
Improves Heart Health

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Improves Heart Health By Lowering Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Levels

In clinical studies, findings suggest that buckwheat can help lower inflammation and unhealthy cholesterol levels while helping to prevent heart disease. Buckwheat nutrition intake is associated with lower serum total cholesterol levels, plus it decreases levels of LDL “bad cholesterol” while increasing HDL “good” cholesterol.

Rutin, a phytonutrient found in buckwheat, is an important antioxidant for cardiovascular health. This phytonutrient supports the circulatory system and helps fight blood pressure and high cholesterol, as does the high fiber content of buckwheat.

Improves Heart Health By Lowering Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Levels

Reduces heart failure

There are two flavonoids found in buckwheat that are very significant in promoting health, rutin and quercetin. These flavonoids are two of the main reasons for buckwheat's great health benefit. These flavonoids are not only powerful antioxidants, but they also help to lengthen and strengthen the function of vitamin C, an important vitamin for immunity and a strong antioxidant itself. Furthermore, these flavonoids help prevent the development of cancer by making it hard for hormones that promote cancer to attach to healthy cells, which means they can literally stop cancer before it starts! But if, or when, substances that can cause cancer get into healthy cells, these two flavonoids help reduce damage to the DNA, which is responsible for normal cell division.

Rutin and quercitin also help make buckwheat a great “heart healthy” food. These flavonoid compounds help to maintain a healthy blood flow by keeping blood platelets from clotting too much. Furthermore, the strong antioxidant activity they provide helps protect the bad and harmful LDL cholesterol from becoming oxidized by free radicals.  Studies done in China showed that regularly eating buckwheat was associated with lower total cholesterol levels, lower LDL cholesterol levels, and a high ratio of the healthy HDL cholesterol to total cholesterol. And when it comes to blood pressure, rutin helps normalize blood vessels, checks for too much fluid accumulation in the body, and aids in keeping the fluid retention at a healthy level, an important part in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Therefore, buckwheat consumption can help to lower risk of developing heart disease, currently the number one cause of death in America.

Reduces heart failure

Lignans Protect against Heart Disease

One type of phytonutrient especially abundant in whole grains such as buckwheat are plant lignans, which are converted by friendly flora in our intestines into mammalian lignans, including one called enterolactone that is thought to protect against breast and other hormone-dependent cancers as well as heart disease. In addition to whole grains, nuts, seeds and berries are rich sources of plant lignans, and vegetables, fruits, and beverages such as coffee, tea and wine also contain some. When blood levels of enterolactone were measured in 857 postmenopausal women in a Danish study published in the Journal of Nutrition, women eating the most whole grains were found to have significantly higher blood levels of this protective lignan. Women who ate more cabbage and leafy vegetables also had higher enterolactone levels.

Significant Cardiovascular Benefits for Postmenopausal Women

Eating a serving of whole grains, such as buckwheat, at least 6 times each week is an especially good idea for postmenopausal women with high cholesterol, high blood pressure or other signs of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

A 3-year prospective study of over 220 postmenopausal women with CVD, published in the American Heart Journal, shows that those eating at least 6 servings of whole grains each week experienced both:

  • Slowed progression of atherosclerosis, the build-up of plaque that narrows the vessels through which blood flows, and
  • Less progression in stenosis, the narrowing of the diameter of arterial passageways.
The women's intake of fiber from fruits, vegetables and refined grains was not associated with a lessening in CVD progression.

Prevent Heart Failure with a Whole Grains Breakfast

Heart failure is the leading cause of hospitalization among the elderly in the United States. Success of drug treatment is only partial (ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers are typically used; no evidence has found statins safe or effective for heart failure), and its prognosis remains poor. Follow up of 2445 discharged hospital patients with heart failure revealed that 37.3% died during the first year, and 78.5% died within 5 years.

Since consumption of whole grain products and dietary fiber has been shown to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart attack, Harvard researchers decided to look at the effects of cereal consumption on heart failure risk and followed 21,376 participants in the Physicians Health Study over a period of 19.6 years.

After adjusting for confounding factors (age, smoking, alcohol consumption, vegetable consumption, use of vitamins, exercise, and history of heart disease), they found that men who simply enjoyed a daily morning bowl of whole grain (but not refined) cereal had a 29% lower risk of heart failure. Isn't your heart worth protecting, especially when the prescription—a morning bowl of hearty whole grains—is so delicious?

Lignans Protect against Heart Disease

Gift For The Heart

Have you ever wondered what exactly keeps our heart beating? If you just started wondering then let us tell you, it is “potassium.” This mineral keeps the muscles throughout your body moving in the right manner and aids them in their role.

The main movement of your muscles and nerves is all enabled by Potassium. Buckwheat is a rich source of this Potassium.

People suffering from arrhythmia and other issues related to irregular heartbeat are prescribed potassium supplements and diet rich in this mineral.

Buckwheat can make up for deficiency of potassium in our body very effectively. The everyday quantity required of potassium is about 4.7 mg per day.

Wrap Up: Buckwheat facilitates the function and movement of muscles including heart muscles as it has almost 13% of Potassium in its composition. It can help in allaying irregular heartbeat resulting from the deficiency of this mineral.

Gift For The Heart

Prevention of Heart disease

Buckwheat have high content of phytonutrients mainly flavonoids. These vital compounds enhance the function of Vitamin C and function as antioxidants within body which helps to seek out and also eliminate harmful free radicals which are the cause for diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Buckwheat has rutin which helps to lower the chances of LDL cholesterol in blood and prevent clotting of platelets that could result in heart attack, atherosclerosis and stroke. Rutin promotes level of good cholesterol which lowers the chances of cardiovascular problems.

Rutin is extracted from leaves of buckwheat and is added to blood pressure medicines as it acts as vasodilator that promotes flow of blood and lowers the chances of heart disease or stroke because blood won’t clot in open and freely flowing arteries and blood vessels.

Prevention of Heart disease
