
Healthy lunch

Blog » Healthy lunch


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Why do I eat buckwheat groats kasha?

Instead of rice, pasta or potato, I eat roasted buckwheat! It is an amazing savoury alternative! The same meals can be cooked with less amount of food. 

For example: with 100 g of rice the meal portion will be with 4 meatballs, However, with 100 g of roasted buckwheat one or two meatballs will be enough!

100 g of buckwheat has 13 grams of healthy protein! Additionally, buckwheat is so lightweight that you never feel it after lunch or dinner. It digests very slow suppressing your appetite.

Rice, for instance, digests very fast and can make you feel bloated. After eating white potatoes, I had a sore stomach for some reason! I've heard about chemicals they place to get rid of weed around potatoes before harvesting. I am not sure why my stomach is sore after eating potatoes. 

It never happens with buckwheat meals. I love it! Can do heavy work after buckwheat lunch or go for a swim or exercises! It gives me a lot of energy and I never feel tired or sleepy.

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